Brendon Searle

Ensuring Fire Safety: A Landlord’s Responsibility

By Brendon Searle / 25 April 2024 / Comments Off on Ensuring Fire Safety: A Landlord’s Responsibility

As a landlord, ensuring the safety of your tenants should be a top priority. One of the most critical aspects of this responsibility is fire safety. Not only is it essential for the well-being of your tenants, but it’s also a legal obligation under UK fire safety law. In this blog, we’ll delve into the…

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Dry riser inlet cabinet on dark blue wall

Understanding Dry Riser Testing: Ensuring Building Safety in Emergencies

By Brendon Searle / 24 October 2023 / Comments Off on Understanding Dry Riser Testing: Ensuring Building Safety in Emergencies

In commercial and residential buildings, especially those with multiple floors, having an effective fire safety system is paramount. One crucial component of this system is the dry riser, a vertical pipe intended for firefighters to easily transport water to upper levels during a fire emergency. Regular dry riser testing is essential to ensure these systems…

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Purple lightning in sky over sea

5 Things You Need to Know If Your Building Has a Lightning Conductor

By Brendon Searle / 23 January 2020 / Comments Off on 5 Things You Need to Know If Your Building Has a Lightning Conductor

Lightning conductors are used to protect three things: The structure of the building The people in and around the building Electrical equipment in the building or connected to the power supplies With this in mind, here are five things you must know, to ensure your lightning conductor is safe. Maintain System to Prevent “Flash-Over” If…

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Person holding fire extinguisher

How to S.T.O.P fire from happening in your home

By Brendon Searle / 30 August 2019 / Comments Off on How to S.T.O.P fire from happening in your home

Fire safety in homes is an important but often forgotten about issue. Every year, more than 37,000 household fires break out in the UK and more than 250 people lose their lives to these fires.

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CO2 fire extinguisher sign on white wall

Does your business have the correct fire safety signs?

By Brendon Searle / 30 July 2019 / Comments Off on Does your business have the correct fire safety signs?

All business premises need at least 2 or 3 fire safety signs but knowing exactly what fire exit signs your business needs on your property and why this is required can often be confusing. With so many different signs and styles we have simplified and explained them so you can easily understand the differences and…

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Emergency light illuminating white wall

8 Step Emergency Lighting Checklist

By Brendon Searle / 2 July 2019 / Comments Off on 8 Step Emergency Lighting Checklist

Emergency lighting is often an overlooked element of building safety, yet it is one of the most important. You must ensure that there are safe exit routes in the event of a fire. Without emergency lighting – even in a familiar building – exiting a building in an emergency life or death situation can be…

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Manual call point on textured white wall

What You Need to Know About Residential and Commercial Fire Alarm Systems

By Brendon Searle / 25 June 2019 / Comments Off on What You Need to Know About Residential and Commercial Fire Alarm Systems

The Fire and Rescue Service are called out to over 600,000 fires which cause over 800 deaths and over 17,000 injuries a year. Installing and maintaining smoke detectors in your property could give you extra time to escape a fire safely. To do this, it is important to understand the differences in fire detector and…

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