Top 5 Business Fire Risks

Common Fire Hazards

5 Common Business Fire Risks & Hazards in UK Businesses (And How to Fix Them)  Fire safety is a crucial concern for businesses across the UK. A single fire incident can lead to devastating consequences, including property damage, financial losses, and risks to human life. Many workplace fires are preventable if businesses identify common hazards…

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Fire Protection Guide for Historical Buildings

Large historical building

UK fire safety law states that property must be ‘equipped with appropriate fire detectors and alarms’ but the legislation takes a broad approach and fails to give specific recommendations for heritage buildings. Here are our recommendations for how fire can be prevented and detected in historical buildings. Fire Detection and Alarms Although call points must…

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Carbon Monoxide – Would Your Building Detect The Silent Killer?

Nozzle and fire gas boiler close-up

According to The London Fire Brigade, many people are unaware of the risks posed by carbon monoxide (CO). Only around 15% of people have a CO alarm, compared to 90% of people who have a smoke alarm. What is carbon monoxide? CO is a dangerous and ‘silent killer’ due to it being an odourless and colourless…

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Are all of your staff fire safety trained?

Row of fire extinguisher during training basic fire fighting

In an emergency situation, the actions of any one person are likely to impact others around them. That’s why it’s important for all of your employees to have up to date knowledge on how to act in the event of a fire. So, what do my employees need to know about fire safety? Firstly, all…

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7 Important Checks – Fire Safety in Care Homes

Old person with carer

Fire safety is crucial in care homes where vulnerable occupants live. The emergency evacuation procedure of a care home needs to be carefully planned for occupants who are less mobile and unable to evacuate the building without assistance. At night in an emergency, this can be particularly difficult because often there are less carers working…

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Could a lack of fire safety training be risking lives in your business?

Person signing document on clipboard

A fire can devastate a business in minutes At Fire Guard Services Ltd, we understand the substantial impact a fire can have on a business and its employees. Unfortunately, many business owners learn the hard way that fire safety training could have potentially saved their business. A serious fire can really make or break a business.…

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